06 Nov 2019 The Only Year-Round Camping in Old Forge Imagine a clear blue sky with the sun shining down on you in the early morning of your first-day camping. You take a deep breath and enjoy the crisp winter air that surrounds you. Old Forge Camping Resort is the only campground in Old Forge that is open year-round. That means the freedom you feelContinue reading →
23 Jan 2020 What goes on during the winter at Water Safari?It’s fun to think about the snow piled up on the water rides and little forest creatures finding a winter wonderland among the characters on Storybook Lane, but what really happens during the winter at Water Safari? Well, it’s all about preparation for the next Summer season! The year-round staff pulls together to see whatContinue reading →
28 Nov 2018 Best Places in the Area for Winter Family Fun in Old ForgeOld Forge, New York is the snowmobile capital of the east! Old Forge Camping Resort and Water’s Edge Inn have direct access to the groomed snowmobile trails and offer a discount for all NYSSA members. Old Forge’s proximity to the Tug Hill Plateau, which regularly accumulates 300 inches of snow per year, makes the OldContinue reading →
26 Jan 2018 Novice, Intermediate, Expert? What Kind of Skier are You?If you gracefully glide down a mountain with the dexterity of a gazelle or you spend most of the time falling on your back, we can help you figure out what your skiing skill level is. For those of you in-between, you can determine your skill level with these basic guidelines. Beginner • You areContinue reading →
24 Jan 2018 The Best Snowmobile Trails in the NortheastWhile others dread the arrival of snow, we love it here in Old Forge! Snow brings with it the best snowmobiling in the Northeast! More than 500 miles of groomed trails cascade along with and twist through blanketed forests and frozen lakes, creating a breathtaking winter panorama. Here are just a few reasons why snowmobilingContinue reading →
11 Dec 2017 Top 10 Winter Activities in the AdirondacksThe Adirondacks are a beautiful year-round destination. The winter, with the snow, brings new and exciting ways to enjoy the outdoors. With so many options and places to check out, we have compiled the top 10 activities to try this winter! Snowmobiling Old Forge, New York is the snowmobile capital of the east! Old ForgeContinue reading →
20 Nov 2017 Winter Hiking Do’s & Don’tsWhy stop doing what you love because of the weather? The winter can be one of the best times to explore nature, but there’s a lot to prepare for in such a cold season. Being someone who can brave the frigid temperatures won’t cut it out here – it pays to be prepared for theContinue reading →
26 Nov 2017 Top Winter Camping HacksWinter is the time of year most families retreat indoors and say goodbye to the endless adventures of the outdoors. Camping gear is packed away and not thought of again until next spring. But what if all that could change? Winter camping is an exciting time to enjoy the outdoors. It can also be aContinue reading →